Johnno's Corner

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Surveyor III - WiP Update

Well I got the landing struts made, been debating how detailed I should make them, will add some bits and pieces, but they wont be exact models of the original probe's struts. As you can see I've finished one leg with suspensions, and size testing the fuel tanks. Still not sure if I'll use those tanks as they are, sand them down a bit in size, or model new ones from putty.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Surveyor III Diorama - Update

Here's how far I've gotten on the diorama so far, removed the large crater rim, realized the probe's scoop arm will be in that area. The probe is made out of 1mm (0.04") diameter plastic rods. Will finish up the landing gear, and then move on to the equipment, the main structure also needs a few bits added before putting on the equipment.