Johnno's Corner

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Building Contest Entries

I thought I'd let you all know that I'm building a model for a online contest right now, so updates won't be as frequent as "normal" for a good while. Since it's for a contest I'm keeping the model under wraps from public view, but will post once voting has been done and I've gotten my prize (well here's hoping anyway). It's not due til new years eve though so as you can imagine I'm putting some heavy work into it. I'm happy to announce that I'm back into full gear as far as building goes, I still have bad days and don't get much done, but at least there's progress.

I'll try to at least update once every other week or so, probably with more warhammer 40,000 stuff since I'm poking at them while waiting for glue to dry and such.

Capsule Landing

I've been trying to get this posted a few times in the past days but blogspot hasn't been cooperative. So here goes again. The capsule landing diorama is done (well was done a good while ago, just haven't been able to post), for size reference the base itself is just about the size of a deck of cards.

The figures are from a submarine model I built with my father years and years ago (bout 15 years or so), it's gathering dust on the shelf and I keep it out of sentimental value, still doesn't mean I won't take parts of it for my new models if in a jam.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Slowly picking up speed...

Well, I've finished painting a miniature, it's for a tabletop game by games workshop named Warhammer 40,000. I remember I bought this guy ages ago, just cause of the cool look. While looking through my old unpainted miniatures I found a few other ones I've always felt like painting but never got around to, so they're in my "to do" box.

I've also started working on a small diorama of a capsule landing, a couple guys from the retrieval crew standing around it. I'm planning to pull lines from the capsule and mold the crumpled parachute heap out of putty, quite looking forward to it.